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What is ".Ninja" and Do I click it?

In the freelance world, you have to own your skill. You are good at_____. So you are a ____ Ninja. It's been done for years... marketing ninja, gluten-free ninja, organic ninja, skincare ninja, SEO ninja... the skillset is endless and mastering each one of them creates an industry of ninjas waiting to work for you. When I stumbled upon the opportunity to get my business acronym as a .Ninja--- I jumped on it! JennE Marketing Management... so I now own and Bookmark 'em!

Is .Ninja too "CUTE" for business?

I'm not all for "CUTE" business names, but .Ninja is fun and creative, in my humble opinion. I think "CUTE" has a place, but to be taken seriously, you have to know what you are doing, learn what you don't know, and do it with class. I was a bit worried about the fallout with my clients when I switched my main domain.

I have had a few clients say, "So... is that real? Like... I click on it, right??"

Yes, it is a real website. You are on it, afterall... :) If you happen to see some of these .Ninja websites, click them-- see what that person's ninja is. You never know, you might stumble upon something that awakens your inner ninja. Afterall, we are all out to find our WHY. Same thing, right?

Being that I started my freelance career years ago as a ghostwriter for anyone who would pay me, I then progressed to a "natural living ghostwriter" writing eBooks and biographies of natural living experts across the world. I ghostwrote my way to being a published ninja-- but it was from behind a ghost curtain. I can't claim my work because it was in my contracts. How can you showcase your ninja if you can't show you've ever had a client? I found ways, but it was hard. So I sold essential oils and wrote for the natural industry-- therefore I bought a .com and joined the masses. I launched and had great success. Then, ninja transformed again and as I began marketing my clients businesses from behind the scenes as them, and learning how to promote new and budding businesses on the various social media platforms, I realized a new niche. I LOVE helping people achieve their dreams and don't have to hide anymore. Neither do you-- I can teach you how to LOVE social media and make it work for YOUR business.

My Ninja

One of my favorite success stories is a dear friend and client, Edith "Ellair" Pair.

When I met her, she was doing AWESOME work. And working her tail off to showcase her talents around town--- she was still ONLY reaching that town. This broke my heart... and I mentioned this to her millions of times. "You need to get on Facebook... get a website."

"I know, I know... Jenn, I do need to." I heard this for months--- but she also stated, "Art is my thing... I hate having to get on a computer and brag about myself. I hate that we, as artists, need to do this to promote our work! But we do... UGH. You're right, Jenn. I need to be on the web... I'll start working on it." As frusterated with working a computer and maintaining a web presence, she knew how important it was to her business success as an artist. Her work is great. Her sales are great for her outreach. Her market is welcoming and inviting ... but it's all local.

"Let me do it for you, Edith! Please?! I want to promote your awesome...I already do! You might not want to brag about what you do, but I sure do. In fact, ever since I met you, I've been bragging about you and your furniture--- everyone wants to see and all I have is the one piece I took a picture of on my phone last summer! Let me promote your art!"


And about 6 months later-- she now has a website, social media platforms with 500% improved interaction consistantly, monthly classes and events teaching her painting techniques, multiple businesses wanting to showcase her work, orders online and in person ALL BECAUSE they, "Saw it on Facebook."

Social media is where it's at...

Your competiters are there, if you aren't in, you're missing out. Let me help. I promote YOUR awesome. I love what you do and it comes natural to share it with everyone I know and millions I don't. I pick my clients wisely, though. I have to. This is mostly because I can't stand behind a company or product or service provider that I wouldn't feel comfortable sending my best friend to. If I promote it-- it's respectful, reputable, and AWESOME!

The Big Reveal

I'm excited to be able to step out from behind the ghostwriting curtain and let people know who I am and how I am here to help. I may not be perfect, no ninja is. My ninja is still learning, as it will continue to do. The marketing industry changes platforms and methods-- but the basics are the same. I grow with the industry and mold to my clients needs because I want them to succeed. Afterall, if they succeed-- I succeed. I like that!

In an effort to stop hiding behind my clients, and simultaneously help my clients stop hiding from social media marketing---> I launched my website into ninja mode. www.JennE.Ninja

Apparently freelancers everywhere are embracing their inner ninja and claiming these domains.

What is YOUR ninja?

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