That time I said..."I Found My Why"
Happy Earth Day!
If we haven't met yet-- I'm Jenn. Or as I like to refer to myself as, the marketing ninja. I work for small businesses, events, artists, and Young Living distributors to grow their confidence through web presence design, training and mentoring.
Being a marketing and business consultant, I find a lot of joy in watching people achieve happiness, reach their goals, and succeed in their business. I love sharing with them the ideas that spark a fire under their butt and help them manifest their success. Lighting that fire in a budding new business owner is priceless. And wait-- people pay me to do this? I do this NATURALLY. I love sharing with my friends, family, and talkative man at the drugstore, the details about the new product that works or the great new business in town. I'm a marketer by nature. I won't promote anything-- you have to meet a strict list of standards. Therefore when I "like" something, you know it's been put to the test. I connect the dots to people who need other people that know people that I know who need people. It is what I am meant to do... And it makes waking up to go to work FUN.
I stumbled onto my why...then I realized... I FOUND MY WHY.
You need to find your WHY. When you have it, you will no longer dread waking up, dread going to work, dread confronting the family at the holiday dinners. No more slanted discussions about progress in your live... You will be successful. You deserve to find your purpose in life. It's hard though, as we are told to do certain things, act certain ways, take certain career steps and climb ladders.
What about those "Out of the Box" thinkers? They are entrepreneurs at heart--<3
If they haven't had the training, though, how can they succeed alongside their ladder climbing friends?
Two Ways:
1. Sign up for an entrepreneurial course or degree program at your local college.
2. Find Your Why
I found my way in helping other people grow their WHY. I write web content, marketing campaigns, social media management, and I have a team of people who work with me who I have also helped----> Find Their Why. It's contagious. But don't worry-- you don't get a cough for anything. Just some side effects of happiness.
Every person on this planet has a dream, a passion, and a purpose. That is their WHY. Click that "Why" into place, and the world is your oyster!
"Why then the world's mine oyster, Which I with sword will open." ~William Shakespeare, "The Merry Wives of Windsor"